- 分类:夏季菜谱
- 作者:小编-齐得隆咚呛
- 时间:2021-04-21
- 4人已阅读

Another good thing is you can flavour the ice cream in your own way. Vanilla base is strong carrier of flavour, which is well demonstrated in this recipe.
蛋黄– 5个
Egg yolks - 5
细砂糖– 100克
Sugar - 100g
全脂牛奶– 250毫升
Milk - 250ml
香草荚– 1个
Vanilla pod - 1
淡奶油– 500毫升
Cream - 500ml

第一步 Step 1
Add 60g of sugar into the egg yolks, and beat until pale and sugar dissolves.

第二步 Step 2
Cut the vanilla pod in half and scrape out the seeds. Add the seeds and pod into the milk and bring to boi. Then add the hot milk into egg-milk mixture from step 1, at the same time, mix on high speed to prevent the egg from scrambling. After that, put the mixture into the freezer.

第三步 Step 3
Whip the cream and remaining sugar to 80% stiff by machine or by hand, then chill in the fridge.

第四步 Step 4
Mix the chilled egg-milk mixture and whipped cream. Then put them back into the fridge (or ice cream maker), and continue to chill for 40 mins. Then it's time to fold in your preferred flavour. I chose chopped fresh peach (for texture) and fig jam which I bought from Italy a few years ago (for sweetness).

After a few hours of repeated chilling and mixing, voila the ice cream!
